Monday, April 11, 2016

Maybe it's time to let go

I feel like I have tried to reach out to several people recently and I have not gotten anywhere. There is only so much a person can do before they decide to just throw in the towel.  I mean, how hard is it to answer a message that you read? How hard is it to come up with a time to get together.  Friendship shouldn't have to be like that.  If you want to do something, then make plans. If you don't, then be straightforward about it and just say so. I'm sick of last minute cancellations... ignored messages.... people are just too shady these days.

It's hard when you get older and realize that your "circle" is small. Then you realize, maybe it needs to be even smaller... if people don't have time for me, then what else is there to do.  Walking away, for the most part seemed to work well with certain family members.

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